Saturday, 24 November 2012

Oakwood Manor

I had to put Oakwood Manor on eBay (Link here) this evening:( I purchased it just a few months ago and I already love it. However, due to space & money issues, it was the last thing I brought - so it will be the first to be sold. As I removed all the furniture and packed it all away, I will admit that I got a little emotional. the worst part was when I had to peel off all of the wallpaper - all those hours of work wasted:(
But of course, before I packed it up, I took some final photos of it all furnished:) (For some reason my camera has decided to fix itself, although it now actually takes photos they are not the quality they were - sorry!)
Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor House Bramble Hedgehog Family

This is the Bramble Hedgehog family, and they live in Oakwood Manor House:)

Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor Bramble Hedgehog babies nightlight nursery

Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor Bramble Hedgehog babies nightlight nursery

Peaches & Bilberry were all snuggled up in bed on a cold November night.
Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor Master Bedroom set wallpaper

Mortimer & Eleanor Bramble's bedroom is lovely and cosy:)
Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor Master Bedroom Dressing Table set wallpaper

Eleanor uses her dressing table and mirror every day to comb her spikes and make sure her nose looks extra pointy:)
Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor Master Bedroom Bureau desk

Although Mortimer is a busy working man, he likes to make sure he has all his business and leisure activities perfectly organized at his bureau.
Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor Country Kitchen Set SInk Table Eleanor Bramble Hedgehog

Eleanor loves nothing better than to bake a cake or treat for her family:)

Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor House Mortimer Bramble Hedgehog televsion vintage armchair

Whilst Mortimer likes to sit down to an evening of good quality television - of course the telephone and paper and a pen must be handy in case he needs to make or receive any business calls.

Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor House Abigail Bramble Hedgehog Children's Bedroom set bunkbe

Abigail Bramble thinks there's nothing better than sitting reading a good book in her bedroom.
Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor House Maxwell Bramble Hedgehog Vintage Bathroom Bath Sink Toil

Maxwell just likes to help out - even cleaning the bathroom, which you can see is shining!

Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor House Vintage Dining table chest

Finally, the dining room, where Mortimer often holds business dinner parties, but also with friends too!

Sylvanian Families Oakwood Manor House Bramble Hedgehog Family
This is the Bramble Hedgehog family, and as of today, they are homeless;) (along with the other 60 of my figures)
I hope my Oakwood Manor House will go to a good home, if you're interested please take a look at the listing here:)

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Winter is coming :D

I hate to admit it so early, but Winter (along with Christmas:D ) is coming! It's really eerie that in the woods-almost-next-door, all the trees have been stripped of their leaves! And it's even stranger that it begins to get dark as I'm walking home from school. Then of course, there is the thing that shocks me every year: the cold. It's already bitterly cold! I was cleaning out my guinea pig hutch, wearing my usual garden crocs that I use for everyday garden jobs (feeding the guinea pigs & the birds etc.), when I realised that I could no longer feel my toes! I will have to start wearing socks around this old house:(

Talking of the cold, my Sylvanian Families aren't really a fan either, however I have been busy making appropriate clothes for them all to wear. Felt hats and scarves are quite easy - winter coats are a different story. Both me and my mum have spent many evenings trying to perfect Sylvanian coats, and without much luck. Each one has something slightly wrong with it!
You know I'd love to buy several of this set, however I brought one few years ago in the Calico Critters (American Sylvanian Families) range and I just can't afford for than one:(
Sylvanian Families Winter Sports Accessories  - Just look at that adorable coat! The skis, skates and sleighs are so sweet too! However, as I say, I need to remember I already have it!!
I am also slightly in love with this new set too..
Sylvanian Families Ice Skating Duo - I may get this when I go up to London at Christmas:)

Sorry, got a bit side-tracked there about buying more Sylvanians;)
Anyway, I've been up to a few things, but I am very, very sorry however my camera has broken, so I currently have no way to take any photos:( Hopefully I will be getting a replacement over the next couple of weeks and put some photos of the various winter clothing I've been making along with some patterns so you can do it too!